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Title Year Author(s) Abstract 
Zhongguo hai guan yu ying de xu jie kuan 中国海关与英德续借款1983Zhongguo jin dai jing ji shi zi liao cong kan bian ji wei yuan hui 中国近代经济资料丛刊编辑委员会
Zhongguo hai guan yu yi he tuan yun dong 中国海关与义和团运动1983Zhongguo jin dai jing ji shi zi liao cong kan bian ji wei yuan hui 中国近代经济资料丛刊编辑委员会
Zhongguo hai guan yu you zheng 中国海关与邮政1983Zhongguo jin dai jing ji shi zi liao cong kan bian ji wei yuan hui 中国近代经济资料丛刊编辑委员会
Zhongguo hai guan yu xin hai ge ming 中国海关与辛亥革命1983Zhongguo jin dai jing ji shi zi liao cong kan bian ji wei yuan hui 中国近代经济资料丛刊编辑委员会
1938 nian ying ri guan yu zhong guo hai guan de fei fa xie ding 1938年英日关于中国海关的非法协定1983Zhongguo jin dai jing ji shi zi liao cong kan bian ji wei yuan hui 中国近代经济资料丛刊编辑委员会
Xin chou he yue ding li yi hou de shang yue tan pan 辛丑合约订立以后的商约谈判1983Zhongguo jin dai jing ji shi zi liao cong kan bian ji wei yuan hui 中国近代经济资料丛刊编辑委员会
Prices, wages, and the standard of living in Peking, 1900-19241926Gamble, Sidney David; Meng, Tʻien-pʻei
How Chinese families live in Peiping1933Gamble, Sidney David
In search of old Peking1936Arlington, L C; Lewisohn, William
The adventures of Wu : the life cycle of a Peking man1951Lowe, H Y 盧興源
Calls, sounds and merchandise of the Peking street peddlers1936Constant, Samuel Victor
China in sign and symbol1926Crane, Louise
Chinese birthday, wedding, funeral, and other customs1923Cormack, J.G.
Everyday customs in China1935Cormack, J.G.
Chinese birthday, wedding, funeral, and other customs1927Cormack, J.G.
The diplomatic Quarter in Peiping1934Chu, Chin-Chen
The walls and gates of Peking 1924Sirén, Osvald
The Shop signs of Peking 燕都商榜圖1931Fung, H.K.
Sidelights on Peking life1927Swallow, Robert William
Peking; a historical and intimate description of its chief places of interest1922Bredon, Juliet
A collection of shop signs of China1948Chiang, H.F.
Peiping municipality and the diplomatic quarter1933Duncan, Robert Moore
Peiping and North China; information and illustrations of the important places to see193Gum, Peter; Gum, Bertha
Social life of the Chinese (in Peking)1928Lynn, Jermyn Chi-Hung
The years that were fat (Peking:1933-1940)1947Kates, George N
The household accounts of two Chinese families1931Gamble Sidney D.
Peking, a social survey 1921Gamble, Sidney D.; Burgess, John Stewart
Pekin annaiki 北京案内記1942Andō, Kōsei 更生安藤
Xiu zhen Beijing Bei lan 袖珍北京備覽1924Yao, Zhuxuan 姚祝萱
Zhong hua di guo dui wai guan xi shi 中华帝国对外关系史1963Ma,Shi 马士 (Morse)
Zhong guo si xiang chuan tong de xian dai quan shi 中国思想传统的现代诠释1989Yu, Yingshi 余英时
Zhongguo fu nu yun dong wen xian zi liao hui bian (1918-1949) 中國婦女運動文獻資料匯編(1918-1949)1988Zhongguo fu nu guan li gan bu xue yuan 中國婦女管理幹部學院
Tian gong kai wu 天工開物1637Song, Yingxing 宋英星 ( Ming 明)天工开物》是中国古代一部综合性的科学技术著作,有人也称它是一部百科全书式的著作,作者是明朝科学家宋应星
Ri qing zhan zheng man hua 日清战争漫画1896
Shanghai shi di li yan ge 上海市地理沿革1989Zhu, Peng 祝鹏
Jin dai shanghai jian zhu shi gao 上海近代建筑史稿1988Chen, Chongzhou 陈重周 Zhang, Ming 章明
He yun shi hua 和运史话1943
Shanghai 上海1932Wei, Xiyu 韦息予
Gugong tu shuo 故宫图说1925Gugong bo zu yuan 故宫博物院
Beijing jian du kao 北京建都考1938Beijing te bie shi gong shu 北京特别市公署本书以为北京建都始于辽太宗会同元年(938年),至民国二十六年(1937年)为北京建都一千年。书中按时间顺序,排列辽、金、元、明、清各代皇帝的庙号、姓名、年号、在位年数,并计算每朝以北京为都城的时间。但此书文字粗略,其结论也值得商榷。
Beijing ming sheng hui tan 北京名勝匯談1912
Beijing de san bai liushi hang 北京的三百六十行1920Zhou, Qiliang 周其亮
Beijing lu you zhi nan 北京旅遊指南1926Jin, Xiaomei 金嘯梅
Beiping shi tong ji lan yao 北平市統計覽要1936Bei ping shi zheng fu mi shu chu di yi ke tong ji gu 北平市政府秘书处第一科统计股编
Bei ping ye hua 北平夜话1936Wei, Gan 味橄
Beiping yi gu 北平一顧1939Tao Kangde 陶亢德
Beiping li shi shang ping min you shang di ji lue 北平历史上平民游赏地纪略1935Jin, Shoushen 金受申
San shi nian lai Yanjing suo lu 三十年來燕京瑣錄 1934Xi, An 習庵
Histoire de la Mission du Kiang-nan Tome I - Jusqu'à l'établissement d'un vicaire apostolique jésuite (1840-1856)1914De la Servière, J.
Histoire de la Mission du Kiang-nan Tome II - Mgr Borgniet (1856-1862) Mgr Languillat (1864-1878)1914De la Servière, J.
The Burlingame Mission: A political disclosure1872Von Gumpach, Johannes
A guide to Catholic Shanghai1937
Sketches in and around Shanghai1894Clark, J. D.
Les origines de deux établissements français dans l'Extrême-Orient Chang-hai - Ning-po1896Cordier, Henri
The treaty ports of China and Japan1867Dennys, N. B.; Mayers, William Frederick; King, Charles
Histoire de la Concession française de Shanghai1899Fauvel, A.-A.
Impressions of China and the present revolution: Its progress and prospects1855Fishbourne, Capt.
Aventures de Robert Fortune dans ses voyages en Chine à la recherche des fleurs et du thé (1843-1850)1854
A residence among the Chinese: Inland, on the coast, and at sea1857Fortune, Robert
Pekin hanjōki. Dai 1-kan 北京繁昌記. 第1卷1922Nakano, Kōkan 中野江漢, 1889-1950
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